
The Granasa is a major mining companies granites (granites holds a vast know-how in assuto) of Brazil and the world.

Founded in 1978 in northern Espírito Santo state, for Waldomiro Robson, the "German", always focused on innovation and respect for the environment which installs its plants. Significantly contributes to the development of the sector and awareness of standards for the practice of sustainable mining, maintaining the tradition and improving the selection of granites in Brazil.

Today, Granasa operates in 5 continents, with special highlights to China, Italy, United States and the Arab Emirates.

Meet some salient points of the trajectory of Granasa

1978 Discovery Amarelo Veneciano
1979 Opening of the San Francisco Mining
1980 Opening of Mining Violeta, Verde Candeias and Lilas Gerais
1980 Opening of Porto Rosa Mining
1980 Start of exports to the European market
1982 Start of activities in the fields of Minas Gerais State
1996 Formalizing the Research Center Granasa
1997 Start of activities in the fields of Bahia (Net Blue, Atlantic Brown, Imperial Pearl, Blue Jeans)
1998 Start of activities in conjunction with CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)
2002 Start of activities in the fields of Paraíba (Bordeaux, Four Seasons, Amarula)
2003 Entry into the Asian market (society with Red Graniti)
2004 Institute Waldomiro Robson Foundation
2004 The Granasa completes 25 years of market
2005 Implementation of the fifth ornamental stone deposit - Vitória / ES
2006 Inauguration of Terminal in Colatina/ES.
2006 Opening of Mining Via Láctea
2006 Opening of Carmel Gold Mining







Social responsibility
A Granasa, atenta à sustentabilidade empresarial, investe em ações sociais e projetos ambientais, fortalecendo seu posicionamento no mercado como uma empresa cidadã. Prova disso, são os projetos sociais desenvolvidos junto às comunidades onde o Grupo Granasa atua.

Environmental and Social Institute Waldomiro Robson
Com o objetivo de recuperar áreas degradadas pela mineração, em 2004 foi criado o Instituto Ambiental e Social Waldomiro Robson.
Para cada mineração, um engenheiro florestal competente, elabora um projeto de recuperação de área. Além disso, a Granasa possui viveiros que produzem as mudas das espécies nativas da região onde a jazida é localizada, para garantir a extração mais eficiente e maior diversidade.

Bags of Support for Technology Development - Bitecbr /> Desde 1996, uma iniciativa do IEL, em parceria com o SEBRAE/SENAI, aproxima jovens estudantes do mercado de trabalho, eles também contribuem para o aperfeiçoamento dos projetos da Granasa.

I am part of this block
Improving the integration and quality of employees' work is also part of the objectives of Granasa . I am part of this block is a set of internal actions which covers all the group companies.